My Calendar
You can accesss your calendar by using the main menu in the header (on desktop) or in the footer (on mobile).
- The period of the current view.
- The filters: clic this icon to activate the filters by spot or type of element (training, competition, etc.).
- The communities filter: you can access the calendar of your clubs and groups by using this filter.
- This menu allows you to change the view from monthly to weekly or list.
- The side panel inclue your training library. Use it to schedule trainings and trainings plan.
- The current day is hilighted in green. On desktop you can clic the current day (or any other day) to import an activity, schedule a training or input a metric or a note.
- The training to come are in gey.
- Your completed trainings are in blue. They represent workouts linked with a planned training.
- The training you missed appear in red
- On mobile: the “+” button replace the side pannel. Use it to schedule a training, import a workout or input a metric.